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Equality, diversity and inclusion

Arts for Dementia EDI statement

Arts for Dementia wishes to respect and value all people we come into contact with, irrespective of their differences. We wish to secure genuine equality of opportunity in all aspects of our work.

The charity aims to offer equal opportunities to the people it serves, in service delivery, volunteering and employment. By valuing the diversity that different people bring to our organisation we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and where everybody’s contributions, skills and competencies are fully utilised.

Arts for Dementia is committed to ensuring that it promotes equality, diversity and accessibility through its decision-making and service provision. We will always actively oppose any form of discrimination, whether against persons defined in legislation as having protected characteristics or otherwise, and promote equality and diversity.

Arts for Dementia recognises its obligations under The Equality Act 2010 and other relevant legislation. The Act specifically covers nine protected characteristics, meaning that it provides protection from discrimination in the following areas: sex, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, age, disability, pregnancy and maternity. However, Arts for Dementia wishes to ensure that it not only complies with the law but also addresses principles of equality and diversity as a matter of course, whether people affected fall within the scope of legislation or not.

Arts for Dementia is working to ensure that no participants, volunteers, staff or Trustees experience discrimination. It is helping staff to identify potential risks and eliminate discrimination across the organisation. It has a framework for taking positive action to encourage diversity and equality and to include equal opportunities in all aspects of what the organisation does, from the strategy and workplan to delivering training and workshops.